我想使用 Xilkernel 实现线程之间的上下文切换,但是没有原始的 POSIX 兼容允许停止然后恢复线程的执行。



我使用此 C 代码为 FPGA 进行上下文切换。如果您觉得它很有用并且想要获得更多周围的代码,请询问我。

 * threadswitch - change thread 
 * The thread stack-pointer is supplied as a parameter. 
 * The old thread's stack-pointer value is saved to the array 
 * thread_info_array, and a new thread is selected from the array. 
 * The stack pointer of the new thread is returned. 
unsigned int * threadswitch( unsigned int * old_sp ) 
  unsigned int * new_sp; 
  number_of_thread_switches += 1; /* Increase thread-switch counter. */ 
  /* Print line 1 of an informational message. */ 
  printf( "\nPerforming thread-switch number %d. The system has been running for %d ticks.\n", 
          get_internal_globaltime() ); 
  /* Save the stack pointer of the old thread. */ 
  thread_info_array[ currently_running_thread ].thread_sp = old_sp; 
  /* Print part 1 of a message saying which threads are involved this time. */ 
  printf( "Switching from thread-ID %d ", 
          thread_info_array[ currently_running_thread ].thread_id ); 
  /* Perform the scheduling decision (round-robin). */ 
  currently_running_thread += 1; 
  if( currently_running_thread >= current_thread_count ) 
    currently_running_thread = 0; 
  /* Print part 2 of the informational message. */ 
  printf( "to thread-ID %d.\n", 
          thread_info_array[ currently_running_thread ].thread_id ); 
  /* Get the stack pointer of the new thread. */ 
  new_sp = thread_info_array[ currently_running_thread ].thread_sp; 
  /* Return. */ 
  return( new_sp ); 


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