我有一个 Angular Controller ,它使用工厂从 JSON 文件返回响应。 当我尝试遍历返回的数据时,我在评论中看到以下错误。 但是,如果我在尖括号内使用 HTML 内部的 realArticleData 对象,它会完美地横向移动。我相信这与工厂返回的 promise 有关,但我不确定。

Controller 片段:

function SpecialOrderItemsCtrl($scope, $location, articleDataService) { 
    $scope.realArticleData = articleDataService.getArticles(); 
    //This throws TypeError: Cannot read property 'thdCustomer' of undefined 
    $scope.custInfo = $scope.realArticleData.articles.thdCustomer; 

HTML 片段:

<div ng-controller=SpecialOrderItemsCtrl> 
<label>Raw Article JSON</label> 
<label>Json transversed by one level</label> 
<label>THD CUstomer </label> 


function articleDataService($rootScope, $http) { 
    articleDataService.data = {}; 
    articleDataService.getArticles = function() { 
        .success(function(data) { 
            articleDataService.data.articles = data; 
        return articleDataService.data; 
    return articleDataService; 
sendDesign.factory('articleDataService', articleDataService); 


您正在处理 promise 。因此,您需要异步处理它们。 如

angular.module('plunker', []).controller('SpecialOrderItemsCtrl', ['$scope', 'articleDataService',  function($scope, articleDataService){ 
  // when promise is resolved, set the scope variable 
      // store any data from json that you want on the scope for later access in your templates 
      $scope.articles = articles; 
}]).factory('articleDataService',['$http', '$q', function($http, $q){ 
  var data = null; 
  return { 
    getArticles: function() { 
      var promise; 
      if(data === null) { 
        promise = $http.get('articleData.json').then(function(response){ 
          // cache the response 
          data = response; 
          return response; 
      } else { 
        var deferred = $q.defer(); 
        // promise is immediately resolved with the cached data 
        // this way both cached and async data can be handled consistently 
        promise = deferred.promise; 
      return promise; 
  } ; 

Plunkr 链接:http://plnkr.co/edit/7Oas2T


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