我有一组文档,我想知道每个文档的主题分布(对于不同的主题数量值)。我从this question拿了一个玩具程序. 我首先使用了 gensim 提供的 LDA,然后我再次将测试数据作为我的训练数据本身来获取训练数据中每个文档的主题分布。但我总是得到统一的主题分布。
import gensim
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename="logfile",format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
def get_doc_topics(lda, bow):
gamma, _ = lda.inference([bow])
topic_dist = gamma[0] / sum(gamma[0]) # normalize distribution
documents = ['Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications',
'A survey of user opinion of computer system response time',
'The EPS user interface management system',
'System and human system engineering testing of EPS',
'Relation of user perceived response time to error measurement',
'The generation of random binary unordered trees',
'The intersection graph of paths in trees',
'Graph minors IV Widths of trees and well quasi ordering',
'Graph minors A survey']
texts = [[word for word in document.lower().split()] for document in documents]
dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(texts)
id2word = {}
for word in dictionary.token2id:
id2word[dictionary.token2id[word]] = word
mm = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
lda = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=mm, id2word=id2word, num_topics=2, update_every=1, chunksize=10000, passes=1,minimum_probability=0.0)
newdocs=["human system"]
print lda[dictionary.doc2bow(newdocs)]
newdocs=["Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications"] #same as 1st doc in training
print lda[dictionary.doc2bow(newdocs)]
[(0, 0.5), (1, 0.5)]
[(0, 0.5), (1, 0.5)]
adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
built Dictionary(42 unique tokens: [u'and', u'minors', u'generation', u'testing', u'iv']...) from 9 documents (total 69 corpus positions)
using symmetric alpha at 0.5
using symmetric eta at 0.5
using serial LDA version on this node
running online LDA training, 2 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 9 documents, updating model once every 9 documents, evaluating perplexity every 9 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-5.796 per-word bound, 55.6 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 9 documents with 69 words
PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #9/9
topic #0 (0.500): 0.057*"of" + 0.043*"user" + 0.041*"the" + 0.040*"trees" + 0.039*"interface" + 0.036*"graph" + 0.030*"system" + 0.027*"time" + 0.027*"response" + 0.026*"eps"
topic #1 (0.500): 0.088*"of" + 0.061*"system" + 0.043*"survey" + 0.040*"a" + 0.036*"graph" + 0.032*"trees" + 0.032*"and" + 0.032*"minors" + 0.031*"the" + 0.029*"computer"
topic diff=0.539396, rho=1.000000
它说“更新太少,训练可能无法收敛”,所以我尝试将传递次数增加到 1000,但输出仍然相同。 (虽然跟收敛无关,我也试过增加no of topics)
问题在于将变量 newdocs
转换为 gensim 文档。 dictionary.doc2bow()
import gensim
documents = ['Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications',
'A survey of user opinion of computer system response time',
'The EPS user interface management system',
'System and human system engineering testing of EPS',
'Relation of user perceived response time to error measurement',
'The generation of random binary unordered trees',
'The intersection graph of paths in trees',
'Graph minors IV Widths of trees and well quasi ordering',
'Graph minors A survey']
texts = [[word for word in document.lower().split()] for document in documents]
dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(texts)
print dictionary.doc2bow("human system".split())
print dictionary.doc2bow(["human system"])
print dictionary.doc2bow(["human"])
print dictionary.doc2bow(["foo"])
因此,要更正上面的代码,您所要做的就是根据以下内容更改 newdocs
newdocs = "human system".lower().split()
newdocs = "Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications".lower().split()