您认为对于程序员来说,向我们展示她/他的技能的一个很好的挑战是什么?我正在考虑 GUI 程序的小型演示实现,它不会花费太多时间。
We are planning a project which has a tight time frame but apparently we are short on resources so we want to pull in external developers. The project is targetted to be Qt based (although this is not yet finally set) on the Windows platform. We'd prefer Qt as this allows to use own resources later when features need to be added to the software and we are familiar with the Qt platform.
The project needs to interface with HID USB hardware (writing some data blocks out, reading back the result, within to be guaranteed time frames) and a GUI showing graphs of the analyses.
然而,主要目的不是寻找 Qt 程序员(尽管我们更愿意那样),而是寻找有能力的程序员 - 因此这个问题的重要部分是关于挑战。
想一想您希望开发人员具备的品质,然后编写一个应用程序,将所有这些事情都做错了,并要求他们修复它。例如,如果您想要一个面向对象的开发人员,给他们一个应用程序,其中的数据表直接绑定(bind)到 UI,并要求他们将它变成面向对象的——这意味着他们可以在几分钟内向您展示他们拥有面向对象的技能。