Indexing in Neo4j: An Overview
by Stefan Armbruster · Jan. 06, 14 · Java Zone
Neo4j是一个图数据库,在做图的检索时,用index确定图检索graph travesal的起始节点start point。过去的数次版本更迭,index索引的实现方式发生了多次变化。这个Overview的主要目的是解释一下各种index方式的由来和概念,以使neo4j的新用户不产生概念上的混淆。
No Indexes in the Beginning
一开始,neo4j是没有Index索引的。在做graph的遍历的时候,需要从Reference Node开始。只有通过给Node绑定一些标志来获得Reference Node。Reference Node或者”Node 0”被当作一个全局的变量使用。直到neo4j 1.9.x 版本,GraphDatabaseService类有了getReferenceNode()方法,来获取Reference Node。当然,getReferenceNode()方法在neo4j 2.0版本以后已经被废弃了。
Manual Indexes
Manual Index(手动索引,先这么翻译吧~)在neo4j 1.0版本之前已经开始筹备了,那时候neo4j还没有Cypher和server模式,只能使用java API操作Graph。Manual Index是通过java API添加的。
建manual Index的方法:
IndexManager index = graphDb.index();
Index<Node> nodeIndex = index.forNodes( "nodes" );
Node node = graphDb.createNode();
nodeIndex.add( node, "name", "Thomas Anderson" );
如果有manual index,可以用cypher查询:
START n=node:Person(name='abc') RETURN n
manual index的缺点:
manual index的优点:
参考: IT虾米网.
35.10. Configuration and fulltext indexes
At the time of creation extra configuration can be specified to control the behavior of the index and which backend to use. For example to create a Lucene fulltext index:
IndexManager index = graphDb.index();
Index<Node> fulltextMovies = index.forNodes( "movies-fulltext", MapUtil.stringMap( IndexManager.PROVIDER, "lucene", "type", "fulltext"));
fulltextMovies.add( theMatrix, "title", "The Matrix" );
fulltextMovies.add( theMatrixReloaded, "title", "The Matrix Reloaded" );
// search in the fulltext index
Node found = fulltextMovies.query( "title", "reloAdEd" ).getSingle();
Here’s an example of how to create an exact index which is case-insensitive:
Index<Node> index = graphDb.index().forNodes( "exact-case-insensitive", stringMap( "type", "exact", "to_lower_case", "true" ) );
Node node = graphDb.createNode();
index.add( node, "name", "Thomas Anderson" );
assertContains( index.query( "name", "\"Thomas Anderson\"" ), node );
assertContains( index.query( "name", "\"thoMas ANDerson\"" ), node );
Automatic Indexes
Neo4j 1.4引入了自动索引(automatic index),使用自动建索引,在config/neo4j.properties中配置。
# Enable auto-indexing for nodes, default is false.
# The node property keys to be auto-indexed, if enabled.
# Enable auto-indexing for relationships, default is false.
# The relationship property keys to be auto-indexed, if enabled.
START n=node:node_auto_index(name='abc') RETURN n
Schema Indexes
cypher建schema Index:
CREATE INDEX ON :Person(name);
使用schema Index:
MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Stefan'}) RETURN p
cypher查询时,如果有schema Index会使用索引;如果没有,会逐条扫描。schema Index索引是透明的。